Thursday, April 4, 2013

She Hulk (YPG Girls)

Perhaps during these 21 days you’ve been a Hulk woman; fighting to not turn into the person you were before, seeking your transfiguration. It’s been difficult for you because the temptations come like:

-bad attitude
-talking back
-being double sided
-judging and criticizing
-seeing the wrong in everything
-thinking you’re the only one correct
-feeling like you’re a perfect woman

You show no attitude to want to please God more,  with the way you dress even after knowing what displeases God. You still continue to use skin tight clothes that call attention, you use exaggerated make up, use piercings. You’re probably conscious that you have to change and leave all that. But until today you find yourself frustrated because you don’t have the strength to abandon sin.

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” Luke 9:24

To have a life with God we have to lose everything that is good to our eyes. I always remember this (do what I don’t like and don’t do what I do like) we have to displease our ego to please God.

You can change all that with a SINCERE prayer to GOD and to yourself that you have to change completely instead of fighting alone against yourself everyday in the sense of wanting to change because you won’t get anywhere like that. It’s clear that you have this struggle against yourself but you have to take the decision from your part to change completely and abandon everything wrong you were doing. Completely stop being a Hulk woman and convert into a true woman of God

1 comment:

  1. That's so true. I can say that I relate to that. But in this 21 days ive been able to see im like that and have the opportunity to change that.
