Monday, March 25, 2013


some of the most famous artists of recent years either began or had a part of their early life within the christian community.  Names such as Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston and Katy Perry are such examples of the danger of worldly (secular) influence. 
Just as they surely had a chance to decide to follow God, they allowed the influence of this world to make decisions in their life.  Decisions that led them away from God's path.  That is why you have to be careful and watchful of what's influencing you!  Maybe you are a youth, teen, young adult that knows right from wrong, you know that God exists, but you are allowing the examples of this world influence your mind and heart. 
Let's take an example from the Bible; Peter was a victim just as the people mentioned above.  He was Jesus's disciple, he heard the Master's teachings, saw His miracles and was part of supernatural events in Jesus's life.  Yet when Jesus was being crucified, Peter denied knowing Him.  He was afraid, embarassed and ashamed to be part of Jesus's ministry.  He allowed himself to be influenced by the crowd and the events unfolding at that time.  Maybe this is you too.  you go to church, have a bible and even pray to God.  But at school, work or when you are with people you know, you allow those people and that environment to influence your actions and your thoughts. 
Maybe within your soul you know that you have not been a true follower of Christ and have even denied your faith at some point in your life.  Why? why do you fall victim to this negative influence?  Because you have yet to have a personal encounter with God.  You have yet to be baptized with His Spirit!
When a person has had the baptism with the Holy Spirit, they are not influenced by their surroundings.  they do not allow the people around them or the problems surrounding them to control their faith.  Peter, when he was baptized in the Holy Spirit, was able to stand firm and speak about his faith to a large crowd, he was so connected with God that by the time he finished speaking, he won over 3000 people for Christ.  unlike the famous singers, actors and artists who instead of winning souls for Jesus, have allowed their life to come to ruins spiritually and become a negative testimony for God. 
So I ask you; who or what is influencing you mind and soul? This world or Jesus Christ? 

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