Sunday, October 6, 2013

JOSHUA: An example of an overcomer

Read about Joshua and see how he overcame obstacles, won battles and maintained himself loyal to God until the end...
note: the video clips were taken from the Bible miniseries that aired on History channel, we claim no rights to the clips.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

the SPIRIT of an overcomer

There are many examples of people who had the tools and resources to succeed, but failed because of the negative character or “spirit” they possessed.  As one saying goes; “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there!”

When talking about a person’s “spirit”, we mean the type of character they possess.  For example; there are those of fearful character, unsure of themselves, conforming character etc.   on the other hand there are those who are brave, risk-takers and determined.

By this time, you should already know life is NOT easy, there’s adversity and roadblocks in the way of success.  A successful future is not achieved from one moment to the next (it’s important to note how many people are dependants of games of chance and luck for their success.  Such as lottery, casino and gambling) God himself put in us the spark to ignite a supernatural faith. Making us fighters, soldiers, never wanting to give up!  The devil knows this, that’s why he struggles to keep us away from God’s word and His promises.  Just as the king of Egypt kept the Israelites under harsh slavery, he knew that they were a mighty nation and great in numbers, so what did he do to keep them under his command? He broke their “spirit”.  The Israelites lived under physical and emotional oppression, as the Bible states:

“My spirit is broken, My days are extinguished, The grave is ready for me..”  Job 17:1

In order to have success and prosperity in life, you must have the right attitude.  That’s why it’s so important to seek the presence of God in our lives.  Only He can uplift us with His word and renew our strength with His Spirit.  The true overcomer is the person that receives the Holy Spirit.  That is how God can help a person have great vision, maintain a pact with Him and be brave to face and overcome whatever life throws at him.  Read the passage below and meditate on it closely:

 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith"  I John 5:4

Monday, September 30, 2013


If a dream can motivate someone to achieve the extraordinary, imagine what you can do with yours?

Friday, September 27, 2013


Every building that you see, every car that you drove, every movie you saw or novel that you read, is a result of someone’s idea, someone’s dream.  To have a successful future, first you must dare to dream.  This is very important to your success, because any success that you end up enjoying has a starting point.  That starting point is not even the first class you take or the first lemonade you sell, it starts within you, it’s your imagination!

The power to Dream

 God gave you the power to dream, so then you would be inspired to work hard to make that dream a reality.  That is exactly what dreams are for, to make them come true.   Now we are not talking about fairytale dreams or that your life will be like in the movies (where everything gets resolved in 2 hours or less)

Your imagination is a gift that God gave you.  When you use your imagination to apply it to your life, you are also taking a step of faith.  For example, right now you can close your eyes and imagine yourself in a doctor’s suit about to operate or in a fancy outfit about to get into your plane to get a business deal done! Then you start taking steps to reach that dream and make it come true.  You are making something materialize in your life that started from nothing, simply what you envisioned inside yourself.  That is also how faith works! You believe in something you cannot see, but you are sure of what you see happening in your life, that you make every effort to make it true!

The devil also knows the effect your imagination has on you.  That is why he and his demons battle to draw your mind away from your dreams.  Take a look around you, how many youths do you see with broken dreams or even worse, they don’t have any dreams about their future…

It’s so sad when you see someone so young and with nothing to fight for.  If you want to make your dreams come true, then allow God to inspire you, keep strong in seeking him, pray to Him and don’t stop seeing yourself as an overcomer.

Monday, September 23, 2013

For the girls: HEREDERA

Sabias que eres heredera de un gran rey? 

Pero para conquistar esta promesa  que es recibir el Espíritu Santo.  Como dice la palabra de Dios.

“Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.” Mat 6:33

Talvez has estado reservando cosas para ti, que no le has entregado a Dios. Entrégale todo lo que te aprisiona el odio, soledad, envidia, miedo, tu vida sentimental, tus deudas y  pasado y presente. Esto que te distrae para concentrarte en lo más importante tu salvación.

En estos 21 días vacíate de ti misma y que aun depues del propósito, que sea algo parte de ti. Si quieres recibir la promesa más grande haz esto.

1. Abandona todo lo que desagrada a Dios y todo lo que va contra su palabra.

2. Olvida tu pasado, y no te condenes por los errores que ya cometiste, ni pienses que no eres merecedora.

3. Arrepiéntete y toma la decisión de bautizarte en las aguas, Para asi comenzar una nueva vida con Dios;

4. Apártate de amistades que perjudican tu fe, que  te influencian  de una manera negativa llevándote hacer o hablar algo que va contra la voluntad de Dios.

5. Convive lo máximo posible con las personas de la misma Fe. Que van ayudarte espiritualmente acercarte más a Dios.

6. Busca sin desistir; y muestra para Dios que el es el primero en tu vida y que tu quieres recibir el Espíritu Santo más que otra cosa.

7. Es necesario que te entregues completamente para Dios, Aunque eso signifique dejar todo lo que hace parte a este mundo, deseos propios, tradiciones, deseos carnales, en fin todo lo que pueda perjudicar tu comunión con Dios.

Evolution vs God

Hello YPG:

just sharing an intersting video, in case you haven't had a chance to see it....
what do you think?